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men having sex with men

No sex during lockdown? Gay men in London say otherwise | aidsmap
No sex during lockdown? Gay men in London say otherwise | aidsmap
Main navigation With Gift Aid, your generous donation of £10 would be worth £12.50 at no additional cost to you. I am a taxpayer in the UK and I understand that if I pay less income tax and/or capital gains than the amount of gift aid claimed in all my donations in the relevant fiscal year, it is my responsibility to pay any difference. How do men who have sex with men in response to HIV develop resilience? Primary notesThe resources, protective factors and personal strengths contribute to the development of resilience in middle-aged and older men who have sex with men, according to a recent Dr. Renato Liboro and colleagues at the Center for Mental Health and Addiction in Toronto, Canada. According to the authors, resilience can be defined as a "positive appropriation within the context of significant adversity," and can be developed at the individual and community level. Resilience allows people to endure and overcome the challenges of life, such as living with HIV or being at risk of acquiring it. This research focused on the experiences of men who have sex with men (MSM, including transgender men), over 40 years of age, to highlight factors that play a role in building resilience as people's age, both for those living with HIV and for those who are HIV-negative. A general term for persons whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from the sex that were assigned to birth. Social attitudes suggesting that having a particular illness or being in a particular situation is something to be ashamed of. Stigma can be questioned and challenged. The presence of one or more additional health conditions at the same time as a primary condition (such as HIV). A person whose gender identity and expression coincides with the biological sex that were assigned when they were born. A sisgenous person is not transgender. In the language of health, something that happens in a "community environment" or "community" occurs outside a hospital. The study used a stronghold-based approach to better understand how many older HIV positive individuals have developed resistance to aging with HIV not only to survive their clinical and social impacts, but also to live full and meaningful lives. Researchers also interviewed those who have remained negative about HIV despite finding sexual and social risk factors and living through the height of the epidemic in Toronto. Interviews were conducted with 55 MSM in Ontario (78% reside in downtown Toronto), 40 years old or older, with an average age of 54. Three quarters of the participants lived with HIV. Most men identified as gay (78%) and white (49%). Black (16%), Asian (15%) and other racially diverse men and immigrants were also represented in the study. The study included prospects for three transgender men. Three broad areas emerged as contributors to resilience: resources, protection factors and personal strengths. ResourcesFor HIV-positive MSM and those living with HIV, LGBTQ spaces, community organizations (including AIDS services organizations, community clinics and homeless shelters) could be used by men when needed and provide safe and inclusive spaces. These resources were often cited as the provision of essential services, and occasionally as a lifeline for men. Both groups also spoke of the importance of excellent health care providers that they could easily talk to, such as openly gay or non-judicial practitioners. Men living with HIV spoke specifically about the capacity of these providers. They also spoke of the use of harm reduction services, such as needle exchange, more often than the negative MSM on HIV. My doctor is the best! He's very knowledgeable. He goes his way of explaining things to me, and he builds me..." For immigrants, Canada was considered a safe space where sexuality could be expressed openly and the necessary services could be easily found. For these men, the country itself was regarded as its main resource for survival. "In my country, you can kill yourself for being openly gay!" Trans participants spoke of the importance of living in downtown Toronto, which provided access to crucial services, including cross-specific services in community sites. "They have trans-specific training programs in Rainbow Health Ontario. I think it's great that they have something specific to us." Protection Factors Men living with HIV identify a number of protection factors as central factors for resilience development. These include education, spirituality, family support, durable close friendships and meaningful sexual relations, as well as their volunteerism, activism and HIV promotion. "I still have my faith. I go to church and pray regularly... this helps me to stay strong!" In addition, men living with HIV spoke of HIV HIV (aspiring to having sex only with other men living with HIV, as a way to avoid rejection) and compartmentalization (by separating their work, family and sex life to avoid revealing sexual orientation or the state of HIV) as tools that helped them. The loss of friends and lovers during the first two decades of the epidemic also played a role for several men living with HIV: this contributed to isolation, extreme caution and celibacy periods that prevented them from acquiring HIV soon and potentially contributed to their survival. Even after their diagnosis of HIV, men spoke of their awareness of co-infections and co-morbids, largely because many loved ones die early. "The key personal strengths included proactivity, perseverance, the right attitude, self-consciousness and self-control." "The key personal strengths included proactivity, perseverance, correct attitude, self-consciousness and self-control." Curiously, men living with HIV speak of the use of substances administered as a factor contributing to their resilience. The use of recreational drugs was seen as a means of addressing the clinical and social impacts of HIV and AIDS and as a "necessary" to overcome their most difficult moments. At the time of the interview, many men were sober and had been free of substances for years. Although they recognized that other healthier fighting strategies would have been preferable, at that time, the substances helped them cope. Sounds strange, but no drugs all those years, it may not have lasted that long. For seronegative men, factors that contributed to resilience included HIV volunteering, meaningful sexual intercourse and loss of friends and lovers during the first two decades of the epidemic. "Having a long-term committed relationship was the safest way to go! "So much death in so little time. I knew I had to get out of the scene at Toronto's bathroom house. These internal characteristics allowed men to use resources and to take advantage of protection factors. Among them were proactivity, perseverance, correct attitude, self-consciousness and self-control. For men living with HIV, proactivity included the search for responses to HIV-related questions (whether from doctors, online or LGBTQ community), the active search for medicines (especially during the early days of the epidemic, when this could mean getting medication from outside Canada), staying at the top of medical appointments, and monitoring of their laboratory results (CD4 counts, viral loads, etc.). This also spread to persevere and persist in the face of obstacles, which several men felt was the final factor that saved their lives. "I took care of my life... he took care of my health... made the right decisions." "I just went ahead until things eventually improved..." It was also considered that the mentality and exercise of self-control were fundamental to building resilience. This includes stopping or limiting alcohol and drug use, as well as being cautious about sexual health and sexually transmitted infections." You create your own life. It's knowing what you need to do... making it happen." For seronegative men, many similar issues were raised, and more men cited proactivity as important. Many men showed self-consciousness by describing how fearful they were to get HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, and therefore avoided certain places and sexual activities. They put a greater emphasis on getting involved in what they considered safer sexual practices in places where they felt safe. "I am not in risky sex, not in groups, not in public sex, and not in drugs." Trans men expressed how they needed to persevere more than cisgender MSM, as much of the information and services available were geared specifically towards sisgender MSM. In addition, they expressed their awareness of their increased risk of physical violence, especially during sexual encounters, and the need to create safe practices, such as private sexual parties with clear communication with trusted sexual partners. "I have significant experiences [as trans man] in different sexual communities. An approach to clarity and clear communication is always key in my commitment to others to ensure sexual security." Despite these resources, protection factors and personal strengths, MSM also spoke of important obstacles to the development of resilience in response to HIV. These include problematic use of substances, internal homo-o-o-o-transphobia, comorbides and social ills, such as racism and the stigma of HIV. "Party 'n' play [sexualized drug labor] has a major control over the MSM community in Toronto... especially about newcomers." "Gay people would talk like a man could be too gay." "I began to depress myself while slowly I realized how HIV continued to be criminalized because of the enormous stigma attributed to it." "It is difficult enough to deal with homophobia and the stigma of HIV, it would also have to deal with xenophobia and racism." Conclusion "As a population that has experienced years of considerable risk or clinical and social impacts of HIV and AIDS, we recognize that the perspectives and experiences of our major MSM participants will be able to... report, influence and improve the services, programs, interventions and policies of medical and community care dedicated to promoting the resilience of the elderly, as well as the youngest, MSM to HIV and AIDS," the authors concluded. Liboro R et al. Toronto, Ontario: Mental Health and Addiction Center, August 2020. More news Editors from other sources About usNAM is a UK-based charity organization. We work to change lives by sharing information about HIV/AIDS. We believe that independent, clear and accurate information is vital in the fight against AIDS. Our information is intended to support, instead of replacing, consultation with a health professional. Talk to your doctor or other member of your health care team to get tips adapted to your situation. Connect with usVisit other NAM websites: Silence Silence Silence © NAM Publications 2021, all rights reserved. NAM is not responsible for the content of external websites. Company limited by warranty. Registered in England & Wales, number: 2707596. Charity registered, number: 1011220 Foot menu

You're here. Men who have sex with men (MSM) Despite the progress of scenic testing and recent positive developments in the practice of research and prosecutions in some European countries, the criminalization of HIV remains a key issue for both HIV/AIDS and prevention measures throughout Europe. According to data from the HIV justice network, 18... The UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic shows that the 2020 goals will not be met because of a profoundly uneven success; COVID-19 is at risk of uninterrupted progress on HIV. Lost targets have resulted in 3.5 million more HIV infections and 820 000 more AIDS-related deaths since 2015 than... The training curriculum for community health workers (CHW) working with gay men and other MSM was developed within the framework of the EU-funded ESTICOM project (EU). Its goal is to help incentivize the quality of CHW services... Defending rights, breaking barriers, reaching people with HIV services Although HIV is preventable through effective public health measures, significant HIV transmission continues in Europe. In 2016, 29 444 people were diagnosed with HIV in the 31 EU/EEA countries, with a rate of 5.9 per 100,000. The rate was higher among men than women (8.9 against 2.6 cases ... " HIV criminalization " refers to the use of criminal law to criminalize the alleged, perceived or possible exposure to HIV; alleged lack of disclosure of a positive HIV condition known prior to sexual contact (including acts that do not risk HIV transmission); or unintentional transmission of HIV. This online survey of the European Community Health Worker (ECHOES) is the first international and multilingual survey community health workers (CHWs) who work to improve the sexual health of gays, bisexuals and other MSM in Europe. This infographic offers an overview of who... The online survey of the European Community health worker (ECHOES) is the first international and multilingual survey community health workers (CHWs) working to improve the sexual health of gays, bisexuals and other MSM in Europe. This infographic provides an overview of the survey, as well as...This guideline "LGBT Migration in the EECA Region" focuses on different aspects related to the migration of LGBT populations in the region. It talks about international treaties on migration, HIV-connection and their prevention problems, as well as health and safety for key populations. By the end of 2020, the latest country data shows both progress and challenges. As the complex reality of the HIV epidemics is increasingly understood, HIV responses are being intensified to identify gaps and develop strategies to reach people who are leaving HIV. 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ALLIANCE.GLOBAL @AlGlobalKyivSat, 03/06/2021 - 19:42 New opportunities to get #PrEP in the medium and long term #CROI2021 @allianceforph @mpactglobal @HIVpxresearch... Aktionsbündnis gegen AIDS @AidsKampagneFri, 03/05/2021 - 10:42RT @wiessner_peter: Prisoners are very vulnerable due to the structural factors of the prison. Thanks for your information and have it... Fondaz LILA Milano @LILAMilano Thu, 03/04/2021 - 16:31RT @aidsactioneurop: #ZeroDiscrimination Day, we ask governments to review and change policies that criminalize and discriminate again... Paul Belcher @PaulJBelcher Thu, 03/04/2021 - 10:49RT @wiessner_peter: Prisoners are very vulnerable due to the structural factors of the prison. Thanks for your information and have it... Peter Wiessner @wiessner_peter Thu, 03/04/2021 - 10:48 Prisoners are very vulnerable due to the structural factors of the prison. Thanks for your information and... European Data Journalism Network @EdjNetWed, 03/03/2021 - 11:05 The number of deaths caused by #HIV #AIDS in #Bucharest is one of the highest in Europe... Aliya Bokazhanova @ABokazhanova Wed, 03/03/2021 - 10:44RT @aidsactioneurop: #ZeroDiscrimination Day, we ask governments to review and change policies that criminalize and discriminate again... AFEW_Int @AFEW_IntWed, 03/03/2021 - 09:48RT @aidsactioneurop: #ZeroDiscrimination Day, we ask governments to review and change policies that criminalize and discriminate again... COBATEST Network @COBATEST Red Tue, 03/02/2021 - 18:36RT @aidsactioneurop: #ZeroDiscrimination Day, we ask governments to review and change policies that criminalize and discriminate again...

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